Animation for the modern age
Animation is at the heart of the movie industry, from the latest blockbuster to the small budget indie. Here you will develop your vision as an artist, animator, designer and director, equipping yourself with the essential skills to establish yourself in the animation industry. You’ll be encouraged to experiment and be given the space to explore your own creativity and develop your own style. You’ll study across a broad range of animation practice, including traditional and digital 2D, motion graphics and stop motion, as well as 3D computer animation and even working directly onto 16mm film.
Space to develop your own creativity
While studying animation you’ll combine both theory and practice to develop your skills and knowledge. In class discussions and lectures, you’ll learn about the history of animation, building your understanding of the changing practices of animation and being introduced to new concepts around animation and games.
When it comes to practical work, you’ll develop and consolidate your own approach to animation in our state-of-the-art animation studios. Using building your own animated films as part of your portfolio development module. Using industry standard software you’ll build and refine your technical skills with a focus on designing and directing your own animated films. You’ll also learn storytelling, scriptwriting and characterisation alongside film and sound editing techniques to convey compelling narratives.
You’ll learn alongside our BAFTA winning academic team who all work professionally in film making, each with their own set of skills in long and short animation, commercials, TV shows, motion graphics and music videos. They have worked with companies like Dreamworks, Warner Bros, Cartoon Network and the BBC with nominations and wins across events such as Cannes Film Festival and London International Animation Festival.
Support for your career goals
While you’re learning, you’ll be matched with a Personal Tutor directly related to your course. You’ll also get support from our Student Learning and Graduate Academic Assistants, who have experience in your subject area. Full time specialist technicians and technical tutors with in-depth professional experience will support you during workshops and studio practice.
We have strong links with UK and international animation companies, and our industry partners even sponsor final year students and give specialist workshops and lectures. You’ll have the opportunity to build your network, as well as showcasing your work to employers within the creative industry at events, festivals and our end of term Degree Show. Our graduates have gone on to work on such films as Wes Anderson’s ‘Isle of Dogs’, as well as animation companies like Lupus Film, Tiger Aspect Productions and Passion Pictures.
If you’re passionate about animation and determined to succeed in a high pressure, fast paced environment, our BA in animation can set you up with the skills and support you’ll need to succeed.