The programme is designed to enable students to build on their prior experience and knowledge; to develop advanced levels of knowledge and skills through a well planned program of modules; and to progress through the programme developing towards
One of a range of degrees from the taught Master’s Programme in�the Department of Computer Science This award is targeted at those who have a good Honours degree in computer science or a very closely related discipline, and who wish to
This course will enable you to enhance your career prospects or prepare for a programme of research that requires knowledge of more of the sub-discipline areas. You will have a wide range of taught modules from which to choose�and will be
One of a range of degrees from the taught Master’s Programme at the Department of Computer Science This course will enhance your career�prospects or prepare you�for a programme of research that requires knowledge of one or more of
One of a range of degrees from the taught Master’s Programme at the Department of Computer Science This award is targeted at those who have a good Honours degree in computer science or a very closely related discipline, and who wish to extend
This established MSc Advanced Physiotherapy Master’s degree course is designed to meet the needs of physiotherapists from a variety of different areas of specialism in physiotherapy. The course will enhance your current�knowledge and
The MSc Advancing Clinical Pharmacy Practice programme is a one year of full-time course that is suitable for pharmacists who have at least 6 months patient-facing post registration experience.�� The programme provides an opportunity to