There are several research topics from the fields of genetics, microbiology, plant biology, ecology and regulatory biology.
Developed on the basis of the Hungarian PhD program of the Doctoral School of Business Administration, it is as such nationally accredited.
The curriculum offers postgraduate training and a PhD Degree in a wide range of fields in chemical sciences.
The Doctoral School of Earth Sciences offers a four-year training and research program in various fields of geography, geology and meteorology.
Interdisciplinarity is a major feature of our Doctoral School, as almost all sub-disciplines of Health Sciences are represented within the eligible research areas.
The remarkable connections of the Faculty and the multidisciplinary research method create a unique opportunity to undertake research in any field of law and the relating disciplines.
The structure of the PhD programs of the Medical Faculty is similar to those of most European and American universities.
The Doctoral School of Physics covers the fields that constitute the subject of research in the Institute of Physics.
International PhD Program in Regional Development for professionals who have collected several years of experience in their field working at national, regional and local levels of decision making or at think tank organizations.
International Studies Center offers complex and integrated preparatory programs for degree studies that meet the language development needs of international students and facilitate their integration into the context of higher education in Hungary.