The Hungarian BA-program is designed to train experts in Hungarian language, literature and culture.
The study program offers complete education in biology with core subjects covering neurobiology, genetics, microbiology, animal and plant ecology, botany, zoology, and plant physiology.
This programme is designed for students who are interested in tourism and catering, and would like to pursue a career in the field of one of the largest and fastest-growing economic sectors in the world.
Our Master of Music Programmes in instrument performance (Piano, Violin, Flute and Guitar) focus on developing music performance skills and artistic qualities on the highest level possible.
The study program for full-time training offers a complete education in biology, with special directions particularly in molecular biology (neurobiology, genetics, microbiology), and animal and plant ecology.
The Doctoral School of Earth Sciences offers a four-year training and research program in various fields of geography, geology and meteorology.
Educates students who want to learn about political systems, international relations, political institutions, history and various fields.
This programme is designed for students who are interested in business studies and want to pursue a business career.
This programme provides complete theoretical and practical training in dentistry. The diploma issued by the Medical School is accepted by all European Union countries and several other countries (Norway, USA, Canada, Israel, etc.)
Our Master of Music Programmes in instrument performance (Piano, Violin, Flute and Guitar) focus on developing music performance skills and artistic qualities on the highest level possible.