With this marketing degree you can gain thorough knowledge in marketing research, communication and management.
The MSc in Strategic Human Resource Management programme mixes theory and practice successfully. Profit from the work-friendly schedule of this 1-year programme!
How to make international business organisations work? You need data analysis and cross-cultural management skills, and project management competencies. This is what this programme gives you.
Would you like to develop your career in finance? Learn about security analysis, portfolio management, treasury management, financial institutions, markets and financial decision-making.
Be an expert in consumer behaviour, marketing research, communication and management with our British master’s programme.
IBS’s new conversion master’s programme welcomes students from all areas who would like to become IT professionals with strong business foundations.
Our unique MBA in Strategic Data-Driven Management programme is a transformational experience that aims to develop essential professional and soft skills to nurture leaders of the 21st century.
The PhD in Business and Management focuses on developing employable expertise through in-depth research.
The PhD in International Affairs programme is aimed at policy-makers and experts of international affairs to address critical issues centred on diplomacy, foreign policy, and international relations.
Would you like to work at global organisations and international NGOs? Our BSc in Business and Diplomatic Studies programme is for you!