Known for cool weather and a world renowned research community, the United Kingdom provides a range of academic and professional opportunities for individuals across the globe.

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Midwives provide essential care during pregnancy, labour and the postnatal period to both mothers and their babies. You�ll gain sound knowledge of what’s normal and healthy in childbearing women and recognise and manage any problems that

This is an innovative, flexible, work-based course for qualified nurses looking to become midwives. It will develop your skills and knowledge so that you can become a responsive, confident midwife able to care for women and their babies. Focusing on

This course provides an opportunity to experience and develop the skills and processes involved in the professional practice of product and industrial design. Approaches are centred around consumer goods, where issues covering everyday manufactured

A major part of the course examines important theoretical issues within psychology.� For instance, to what extent are people the product of their genes or upbringing? Why do we sleep and dream? How does the brain store memories and thoughts?

Radiotherapy is used in the management of approximately half of patients diagnosed with cancer. It works by utilising radiation at high energies to destroy cancer cells so that a patient can either be cured or have their symptoms alleviated. This

This new award in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence builds on existing research and teaching expertise in the School of Engineering and Computer Science and addresses a growing demand by government and employers for graduates with this range of

This new award in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence builds on existing research and teaching expertise in the School of Engineering and Computer Science and addresses a growing demand by government and employers for graduates with this range of

Social workers help people find solutions to their problems and live more successfully in their communities. Sometimes this includes helping them confront and manage behaviours that put themselves and others at risk. To succeed, social workers must

Building on�the�University of�Hertfordshire�Music�s�successful composition and technology courses,�the�Songwriting�and Music Production pathway�focuses on the technical and creative aspects of

The programme is designed to enable practitioners to adopt a strategic approach to the provision of specialist community nursing care, working effectively with individuals, families, groups and communities, involving, where appropriate, an active